
Kunst am Buch

Charpentier, Sophie
Book cover
Book detail 1
Book detail 2
Book detail 3
Book detail 4

About the cover:

Half-fringed binding Cover with various ostrich, goat and marocco leathers in several colours, author and title embossed in several colours on spine and front cover, natural cut, leather spine, leather fold orange ostrich leather, mirror red and flyleaf blue suede, two-part red and blue cloth portfolio with wide flaps, lined with blue laid paper.

Le goûter des généraux

About the content:

Boris Vian: Le Goûter des Généraux

With illustrations by Régent Siné

Ex. No. 54 of 201

Collège de Pataphysique, Paris 1962

Theatre play in two acts. The concept of the general applies to all particular cases in all times. Nothing is more general than the general. And we do not believe that we are abusing the complacency of a deceased man by assuming that, following Aristotle, he would tell us that there is no science except the general. For nothing is more specific than the generality of this science of the general...

About the artist:

Sophie Charpentier has Swiss roots; her great-grandfather Charles Burnier was director of the Gazette de Lausanne. Her daughter has become Swiss again. From 1994-2000, she trained as a bookbinder with Anne de Broves and Sylvie Frégé. As you know, France does not have an apprenticeship system like Switzerland. Since then she has been working in a bookbinding workshop in Neuilly and has trained in book restoration. She takes part in an international competition every year. I found the cover I bought at the Fira (Forum International de Reliure d'Art) in February 2020 at Château Nyon. This cover also adorned the exhibition poster.