Kunst am Buch

Lobisch, Mechthild
Book cover
Book detail 1
Book detail 2
Book detail 3
Book detail 4

About the cover:

Full-grain binding Cover in old pink boxcalf, on both covers a regular semé of narrow strips of paste paper in intersecting line indentations, hand-gilt longitudinal title on smooth spine, barbered edges, coiffe lyonnaise, Mirror and flying leaves with coloured pencil drawing on grey/pink paste paper on a different coloured background, half leather chemise with gold spine title, covered with pink/grey paste paper and lined with mauve velour leather, leather-bound slipcase covered with reddish paste paper.

Hand gilding: Alain Coutret, Paris

Altmodische Liebesgedichte

About the content:

Manfred Hausmann: Old-fashioned love poems

With 19 drawings by Elfriede Weidenhaus

Ex. No. 4 of 285 signed by author, artist and publisher

15th printing of the Ernst-Engel-Presse by Walter Stähle, Stuttgart 1978 Beautiful poems by two lovers...

About the artist: Mechthild Lobisch belongs to a circle of people who have dealt extensively with contemporary binding techniques and design. As a trained bookbinder, she has spent a lifetime working with great passion and dedication on the craftsmanship and formal quality of books. As an appointed professor, her work at the Burg Giebichenstein Art Academy in Halle was widely respected, where she led the Conceptual Art Book class in the Art Department, specialising in painting/graphics, from 1995-2006. It is thanks to her that a group of her graduates have had a lasting influence on German bookbinding art ever since.